Nature-Deficit Disorder
In the 21th century, children obviously are spending more time indoors and always with electronic devices by default compared with previous generations. They have less chance to be outside and play with nature due to the growing number of cities and crimes. It might be easier for parents to keep entertaining children with animated games, TV time and more. Moreover, parents might not have time for them or may have the idea of keeping them safe from the danger outside. Therefore, children are prone to face the term called “Nature-Deficit Disorder”.
Nature-Deficit Disorder was introduced in 2005 with the publication of “Last Child in the Woods'' which is the term that is not yet recognized in medical manuals for mental disorders, such as the DSM-5. It is the idea that spending less time outdoors and spending more time indoors with electronic devices such as television, video games and Youtube video which will be the result of many behavioral issues, such as Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), obesity and more.
Children in Generation Z (born after 1997) were born with the proliferation of electronic innovation, communications and devices. It was the cause of lacking time spent with nature. It might also include poor urban planning. In some cities, they might not plan their cities well enough to have green space for their citizens which leads to diminishing open space for children to play and increasing the amounts of cars and street traffic. Parental fear might be another reason that keeps their children residing inside due to social media and negative news around the world. Decreasing the importance of the natural world in both public and private education and increasing competitive education system are additional causes that associated children with spending time inside their place.
There are extending bodies of research that are burgeoning about Nature-Deficit Disorder. The evidence suggests that children who spend less time outdoors will tend to decrease their senses. For example, they might not have a chance to smell the fragrance of flowers or observe the different types of butterflies. Children may have attention difficulties is another effect that parents might encounter. They have challenges with sustained attention and not being able to engage in the classroom. Last but not least, children who spend more time inside their house or building may face conditions of obesity. They may have less opportunities to play outdoors or exercise outside.
Spending time outdoors means to explore the world with 5 senses on their own and able to have direct experience with nature. It will increase their executive function which is a core of exert self-control as well. Parents are children’s first teachers and have the ability to protect their children from Nature-Deficit Disorder by helping them care more about nature. Parents are able to guide them with the sense of curiosity and bring them outside to play with nature. It should be something fun and parents will have quality time spending with their young kids too.
In conclusion, Nature-Deficit Disorder is not something we should be afraid of but to be aware of how we are raising our kids in parallel with their technology world. It is hard to deny the importance and benefit of using technology but parents should be able to balance kid’s time and see the importance of playing in nature that will bring the benefit for their life and allow them to have direct experience in the real world.
P. Ratnajarn M.A.