Infant Program
Infant: age 6 weeks to 18 months
Schedule: 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
The infant program starts with a phasing-in process to support the bond between you and your child. We carefully prepare an environment and the program in which babies can grow healthy and happily. Throughout the program, we make time to observe babies, interact with each child, offering conversation and manipulative materials at receptive moments. As your child progresses from sitting to crawling to walking, from bottles to feeding themselves, we are there to encourage and assist them every step of the way.
Program Goals
● Help parents and infants in the separation process and encourage a spirit of co-nurturing between teachers and parents
● Model respect, gentleness and caring
● Support the development of sensory, language, expression, and the development of movement and physical both gross and fine motor skills
● Support children’s understanding of order, and cause and effect relationships
“The child has a creative aptitude, a potential energy that will enable it to build up a mental world from the world about it. He makes numerous acquisitions during the sensitive periods, which put him in relation to the other world in an exceptionally intense manner.”