Why STEM learning for early childhood education

Technology is continuously expanding into every aspect of our lives. Many schools these days usually include STEM learning in their curriculum. They believe that it will enhance children’s abilities to solve problems and discover the world through science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) at a younger age. Even for preschoolers, early STEM learning will encourage them to initiate their curiosity to explore the world and can support children’s early math development and other important skills. Hence, STEM learning is vital for children’s development. 

STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines – science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The core concepts of STEM are curiosity, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. Moreover, it would be recommended for children to start as early as possible because they will be able to explore and naturally acquire these skills. In the future, children who have STEM competencies tend to have better academic outcomes and have a better career choice since the skills are in demand. Hence, STEM skills are essential for kids to learn since their young age. 

STEM learning is utterly beneficial for children in many ways. Research shows that children are able to learn math concepts deeper when they have a chance to apply what they have learned, and discover math in the real world. Children naturally engaged in conversations and experiments using early math concepts, such as measurement and spatial awareness (Lange, 2019). 

In addition, STEM learning will enhance children to have more life skills. They need to solve problems and have a perseverance in solving them. They tend to have logical reasons abstractly. For example, if the kids are building structures with candy pumpkins, they will require to think logically and abstractly how they can put sticks in candy pumpkins and build it vertically without making it falling down. Moreover, STEM learning also promotes language development and encourages independent and collaborative learning. 

In addition, parents are one of the important people that can encourage and assist their STEM skill. Parents are able to do it easily at home through playing or doing activities together with their kids. Not only at school that children can build their STEM skill, but also they can learn in their household with their parents. Parents can initiate fun activities and integrate STEM learning in the activity as well. For example, make magic by letting them observe how ice melts and ask their opinion, as well as teaching them the scientific fact behind it. Baking with your children might be another engaging and fun activity. Parents can teach them recipe and help each other count the number in the tray or might deduct some and count it again. Children will have the opportunity to learn abruptly through playing and applying in the real world experience. 

In conclusion, STEM learning is an essential skill for 21th-century kids. The world is changing rapidly and they might be able to have these skills to survive and thrive for their brighter future with the school curriculum or parents’ guidance that they have been familiar with since kindergarten. 

P. Ratnajarn M.A.


Bowman, B., Greenfield, D., Day, C. B., Leslie, D., ... Worth, K. (2017). Early STEM Matters.Retrieved from http://d3lwefg3pyezlb.cloudfront.net/docs/Early_STEM_Matters _FINAL.pdf 

Lange, A. A (2019). Engaging Preschoolers in STEM: It’s Easier Than You Think!.Retrieved from https://dreme.stanford.edu/news/engaging-preschoolers-stem-it-s-easier-you-think 

Mano, H., Molina, K., Lange, A. & Nayfeld, I. (2019). Preschoolers think about, talk about, and solve a real problem in the garden. Retrieved from https://www.ecstemlab.com/uploads /4/0/3/5/40359017/plantingtheseeds-ee.pdf

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